Cardinal Surveys Company
Free Literature (click to activate Acrobat® plug-in, or see below to get Acrobat®):
Sales Flyer (Digital Technology - 1.23 M) (After all, this is the new millennium.)
Sales Flyer (Service Highlights - 349K) (Everything we do, in a nut-shell.)
Sales Flyer (Trac III - 268K) (History making headlines!)
Sales Brochure (1.24M) (The longer version of everything we do.)
Tracer Studies Written Agreement Document (110K) (A legal document.)
Interface Logging Discussion and Procedures (63K) (Step-by-step procedures for an often overlooked procedure.)
Injection Profile Procedures (254K) (Step-by-btep procedures and examples for logging injection wells and related subjects.)
Trac III Annulur Production Logs (277K) (You really can log down the backside of a pumping well.)
Capacitance Tool Water Cut Calibration (122 K) (Calibrated capacitance tools give quantitative data.)
PowerPoint Presentations (We use these when we teach a school - you can view on line!)
Injection Profiles PowerPoint Presentation
Trac III Production Logs PowerPoint Presentation
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