Cardinal Surveys Company

GAMMA TROL - II is a combination of Temperature and Gamma Ray logging used determine the placement of well simulations and treatments.
Well Parameters For Example Procedure
Frac | #140,000 20/40 | BHT | 90 F |
Surface Pressure | < 3,000 PSI | Casing | 5.5" |
Tubing | 2.875" | PKR | 5600' |
Perforations | 5700' - 6000' | PBTD | 6100' |
Cardinal Surveys Company
GAMMA TROL ® Procedure
Your Company, Inc. Setauket #2
The following procedure represents the fundamental steps needed to accomplish most GAMMA TROL ® applications. However, due to the investigative nature of production logging, it must be noted that the following procedure may be modified at any point in order to optimize the definition of events or abnormalities. This procedure should be considered as a general plan of action.
- Conduct tailgate safety meeting to identify location hazards, review well information, review test objectives, and make necessary plans to maximize safety and test results.
- Rig up Cardinal Surveys logging unit on Setauket #2 and conduct the pre-job wellhead radiation survey.
- Attach Cardinal Surveys GAMMA TROL ® tool string which consists of a Rope Socket (1.25" x 15" with a 5/8" fishing neck), One or more wieght bars, Collar Locator (1.375" x 28.5"), Scintillation Gammaray Detector (1.375" x 60"), and a Temperature Tool (1.375" x 37").
- Install wireline blow out preventor and tool trap.
- Install lubricator and test for leaks.
- RIH with GAMMA TROL ® tool string into the tubing.
- Run Base Temperature and CCL Logs from 5,500 to 6,100.
- Run Gamma Ray and CCL Logs from 6,100 to 5,500. Correlate Gammaray and CCL logs to supplied correlation log. Adjust depth measurement from Wireline Depth to Measured Depth.
- POOH with Cardinal Survey's GAMMA TROL ® production logging tool string.
- Rig down equipment, store lubricator in a safe area, and standy by during well stimulation.
Radioactive tagging information can be found in our TAGMASTER ®: Page.
- Record ISIP and 15 minute shut-in pressures.
- Install wireline blow out preventor and tool trap.
- Install lubricator and test for leaks.
- RIH with GAMMA TROL ® tool string into the tubing.
- Run After Temperature and CCL Logs from 5,500 to 6,100.
- Run After Gammaray and CCL Logs from 6,100 to 5,500.
- Allow well to remain static for approximately one hour.
- Run a Shut-in Temperature Log from 5,500 to 6,100.
- POOH with Cardinal Survey's GAMMA TROL ® production logging tool string.
- Rig down equipment and conduct the post job wellhead radiation survey.
- Contact the Your Company, Inc. field representative to give preliminary results and the current status of Setauket #2.
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