Coal Seam Log (Coal1.pdf - 1982 kb) A typical annular production log (Trac III) using Cardinal's exclusive 7/8" O. D. logging tools. In this example, the well is configured with a pump in the producing interval. Tracer, temperatures and capacitance logs clearly determine production contribution from each set of perforations. Temperatures indicate a channel in the casing - cement annulus, which was confirmed by prior stimulation evaluation log.
Flowing Production Log (ExProdDPSI.pdf) An example of a flowing well with temperature, capacitance, pressure, delta psi (continuous fluid gradient) and fluid entry profile percentages. Note that capacitance and delta psi (psi/ft gradients) show basic fluid compositions (water, oil and gas.) Also, ExProdDPSI.LAS (right click to download and open with a text editor) is text file with the data from this log in standard LAS format. We can also provide just about any other text format, or .xls Excel spreadsheet data. The Acrobat file (.pdf) is also available by email for any log we run. You may have to resize the Acrobat window to get the best view.
Multi-Isotope Spectral Gamma Log (Spectral Example 1.pdf) A spectral gamma log with temperatures. Note that log was run soon after stimulation treatment ended (that same day,) so temperatures are also indicative of treated interval (frac height). First stage was tagged (traced) with Iridium, and the second stage was tagged with Scandium. While pay was perforated as three separate intervals, it treated as one. Treatment did contain within overall pay, though.
Step Rate Test (Generic Step Rate Test1.pdf) We use a flow trailer with turbine meters, plus surface and downhole real time pressure sensors to insure accurate, real-time step rate results. This example shows the combined field data as well as the classic frac gradient break.
Note: Portable document files (name.pdf) include the entire log on page one, and sections of the log in following pages. The additional pages are provided for more convenient printing (hardcopy) of the example logs. All examples are actual logs from real wells. Identifying information has been removed.
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